100% Natural Ayurvedic

Acute Kidney Injury Treatments

Ayurvedic treatment for Acute Kidney Injury focuses on the causes of the disease to reverse your kidney’s health and rejuvenate your whole body.

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What is Acute Kidney Injury?

The human kidneys, reddish brown, bean-shaped organs, help mainly in clearing out toxins from the blood. It is crucial for the seamless functioning of our body by removing the gradual accumulation of waste in the body. The problem arises when, due to certain factors, the kidneys suddenly or abruptly stop working. This condition is known as acute kidney injury, or AKI. It is also referred to as acute renal failure.

Depending on the severity and the leading causes, acute kidney injury treatments , and their duration also differ. If left untreated, it can cause severe health issues that may eventually lead to chronic kidney injury or CKI. The good part? With a proper treatment strategy, your kidney can start working normally or almost normally. Acute kidney injury treatments include diagnosing the cause, and medical history, and utilizing effective medications as a potential treatment method.


Acute Kidney Injury
acute kidney injury treatments

Causes of Acute Kidney Injury

There can be many more other causes that can be linked to this condition; therefore, getting diagnosed for the root cause is a major step in the acute kidney injury treatment journey.

Based on the diagnosis result, your doctor may suggest unique acute kidney injury treatments that can help relieve the symptoms as well as the disease.

Symptoms of Acute Kidney Injury

At the initial stage, in its milder form, the AKI might not show any visible signs and can only be diagnosed by a doctor. It’s only with increased severity that the disease may start causing complications that may result in some visible signs that may include:

Less frequency to urinate

Less frequency to urinate

Point that your kidneys are not filtering waste from your body.

Swelling in the ankles, legs, or feet

Swelling in the ankles, legs, or feet

Occurs due to fluid accumulation and waste in your blood.

Exhaustion or tiredness

Exhaustion or tiredness

Fluid accumulation in the lungs can make breathing difficult for kidney patients.

Pain in the chest

Pain in the chest

Happens when kidneys cannot maintain fluid and electrolyte balance.

Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury

Once you feel any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is highly advised to take advice from your healthcare experts for a suitable diagnosis of the disease to identify the severity and plan your treatment strategy accordingly.

While browsing online for a diagnosis of acute renal failure, you may come across certain diagnostic methods that any expert utilizes while confirming your disease. Some of which are as follows:

Postvoid Residual Bladder Volume
Urine Analysis
Serum Creatinine
Urinary Sediment
Clinical Evaluation

Based on the diagnosis result, your doctor may suggest unique acute kidney injury treatments that can help relieve the symptoms as well as the disease.


Mr. Prabhu

Mr. Prabhu

I am very thankful to Dr. Puneet and his experienced team for such an exceptional treatment strategy for my acute kidney injury treatment, and that too without any side effects. I feel lucky to found them and therefore would highly recommend Karma Ayurveda to anyone looking for an effective kidney care solution.

Mr. Singh

Mr. Singh

Everything seemed right in my life until one day I started feeling problem in my kidney which was later diagnosed as acute kidney injury. Hopeless, I started looking for solutions, and that’s when I came across Karma Ayurveda’s kidney care solution. Their acute kidney injury treatments proved really beneficial to me, and it delights me to say that my kidney started functioning normally again. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for kidney treatment.

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Acute Kidney Injury Treatments

There are certain methods available for acute renal failure treatment. You need to consult an expert for the proper treatment strategy and aim for a treatment method that targets the root cause of the illness along with the symptoms and provides a unique approach to your acute kidney injury treatments.

The treatment methods may involve a suitable diagnosis of the disease with accurate knowledge and finding the true cause of the disease. After diagnosis, the expert might prescribes certain medications well known as being beneficial in aiding kidney functioning and detoxifying the body. Also, you can seek help of certain treatment therapies such as panchakarma to help detoxify and boost immunity to fight against all infections.

Lastly, following a balanced diet enriched with high fiber and limiting processed foods is a must. You can talk to experts about a customized diet plan that may help take care of your kidneys.

Acute Kidney Injury Treatments FAQs


Years of

Explore More About Acute Kidney Injury and Treatments.

The inherent cause of acute kidney injury is the sudden breakage of blood flow in the kidney due to several factors such as low blood pressure, diabetes, and more.


Acute kidney injury can be prevented by managing the risk factors associated with it and getting treatment in case any symptom arises


Acute kidney disease results in the reduced excretion of acid from the blood; this causes a buildup of acid, resulting in metabolic acidosis


A treatment method that involves eliminating the root cause along with symptoms, can be a highly effective acute renal injury treatment method

AkI can be indicated with a simple blood test to find the level of creatinine in the blood. An increased level will indicate improper functioning of the kidney

In the event of any symptoms indicating acute kidney injury, seeking medical help is recommended to recover from the disease

Acute kidney injury management includes taking proper care of your kidney’s health by following experts’ advice while taking any medications and practicing a balanced diet.

Experts suggest consuming high-fibre and balanced diet-enriched foods for acute renal failure management

Yes, acute renal disease treatment is definitely possible with a specific treatment strategy unique to individual.


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